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SET Biofeedback (food & environmental sensitivity treatments)

Treat your Food Sensitivities thorugh a proprietary and revolutionary form of Biofeedback.

If you've been navigating the challenges of food sensitivities, it's time to celebrate—your journey has brought you to a potential turning point.

Tired of the fear that comes with every meal, unsure if you'll have a reaction?

Confused about why some foods trigger responses on certain days and not others?

Imagine attending social gatherings or dining out without the shadow of worry.

Picture yourself enjoying a diverse range of foods, free from the anxiety of a potential reaction.

Visualize strolling by a perfume counter without the dread of triggering a migraine or histamine response.

Food and environmental sensitivities can deeply disrupt our well-being, affecting brain and body alike. Histamine Intolerance alone is estimated to affect more than 1% of people, a figure that could be much higher considering its varied impact.

Our clinic has crafted a groundbreaking protocol that identifies and neutralizes the root causes of sensitivities. With a bespoke Biofeedback technique, we've guided hundreds to break free from the confines of hypersensitivity.

To delve deeper into the nature of sensitivities and their effects, please click here to learn more about Food Sensitivities and Allergies at Tucson Biofeedback.

Did you know that most individuals react to common nutrients, like amino acids and vitamins? This is why elimination diets often fall short—they don't address the core issue.

Furthermore, our Histaminergic Pathway is intricately linked to our limbic system and trauma responses. Substances that are typically harmless can trigger a response akin to trauma in our bodies, potentially leading to anxiety, ADHD and other mental health symptoms.

To address allergies and sensitivities, there are three main strategies:

There are three ways to address Allergies and Sensitivities:

#1 AVOIDANCE: The simplest approach is avoidance, but when sensitivities are 100’s or 1,000’s of items, avoidance becomes impractical, akin to living in a bubble.

#2 MEDICAL INTERVENTION: Allergy shots and medications may offer relief to some but are not universally effective and often don't address the underlying damage caused by food allergies. They can also be high risk with dangerous side effects. A number of people have come to our center after experiencing neurological damage from allergy shots which added a very complex layer to their already challenging health issues.

#3 SENSITIVITY ELIMINATION TREATMENTS THROUGH BIOFEEDBACK (SET BIOFEEDBACK): A sustainable solution addressing the core of the issue through Biofeedback and Brain Integration Therapies.

Our SET-Biofeedback is the culmination of nearly two decades of clinical research. Boasting an 87% success rate for conditions once deemed chronic and incurable, our treatment is so effective that repeat sessions are seldom needed.

The process is straightforward and non-invasive, suitable for clients from six months to ninety-two years old. We cover standard and customizable categories—yes, even your medications or your spouse.

During treatment, your nervous system perceives the frequency of the substance as if it were present, prompting a recalibration. You remain relaxed while we perform the manual treatment, which "reprograms" your system, eliminating the sensitivity.

The science behind Frequency Therapies may not be common knowledge, but like using a smartphone or the internet, understanding is not a prerequisite for benefitting from the technology.

Consider early computer systems that would "freeze" due to a coding conflict—sensitivities are similar. SET-Biofeedback, especially when coupled with Brain Integration therapies like FSM, LENS Neurofeedback and other nervous system regulating modalities, these effectively "reboot" your brain and body, resolving these conflicts and preventing future reactions.

Each individual's journey to our doors is unique—whether driven by specific symptoms, a pursuit of optimal health, or complex chronic conditions. We tailor our approach to your unique recipe for health or illness.

The process is straightforward and gentle, suitable for ages ranging from six months to 92. We address standardized categories, with the option to tailor treatments to individual needs.

Wondering how it works? Consider it akin to a system reboot, where the treatment 'reprograms' your brain and body to no longer recognize certain substances as threats.

The SET Biofeedback Treatments support the neutralization of sensitivities and triggers. During periods of stress, be it physical or emotional, the cell’s state of vulnerability to discordant frequencies increases Electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, Wifi, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the cell membrane and build up internally, thereby, altering the cell’s balance. We predicate that once the body has undergone a period of stress, it will tend to block any thing that it was exposed to during that time in order to avoid any exposure of it in the future. Cells are most vulnerable during periods of stress: the greater the stress, the greater the incidence of acquiring illness. For example: An individual undergoing a state of stress, during a mobile phone call, while eating an apple. Over time the amount of stress we endure, unprocessed overhwlem, traumas and stressors compoud virtually reacting to many normal things as a thrreat thus triggering a cascade of inflammatory signals eventually leading to chronic and every growing inflammation.

Our motivations vary — some seek relief from specific symptoms, others aspire to peak health to avoid or combat degenerative diseases. Each journey is unique, and we honor that individuality in our approach to healing.

Your body speaks a secret language; it's a matter of tuning in. When we listen and collaborate with our bodies, a new realm of healing possibilities unfolds.

Ready to reclaim your life from sensitivities?

Schedule your appointment with us and embark on your journey to liberation.

Blogs connected to sensitivities and histamine intolerance:

Achieving Immune Harmony: Balancing Stress, Sensitivities, and Immune Modalities - In Tucson (

Blog | Allergies, Sensitivities & Intolerances in Tucson: What's the Difference? ( |

Uncovering The Link Between Histaminergic Pathways, Mental Health, and Well-Being (

Blog | What are Th1 and Th2? (

Blog | Histamine Intolerances - What is Mast Cell Disorder? (

Blog | Can Food Sensitivities Cause Infertility? (